Rag Wreath

2 Oct

Nothing seems to say fall like a heat wave across the state. I am pretty sure we, like everywhere else in the state (even the usual cool suspects, like SF!), clocked in around 347 degrees early this week.

Regardless of whatever global warming has up their sleeve, I was in need of a new, fun fall project.

I’ve had my mind on the idea of creating a fabric wreath for an upcoming holiday or season. Since Autumn is here, and Halloween is around the corner, I thought this was my chance.

How to Make a Rag Wreath



Wire wreath


Cut your fabric into strips.

Take the strips of fabric, and knot them around the wire wreath. Be sure to push the strips together tightly so the wreath looks robust and full.

Once finished, trim the fabric so it’s all roughly the same length going around.

Hang and enjoy.

4 Responses to “Rag Wreath”

  1. Meghan October 4, 2012 at 3:55 pm #

    Where’s the ‘like’ button?

  2. Jackie October 2, 2012 at 11:21 am #

    I love this! The great thing is you can use it all season long and reuse it again next year πŸ™‚

    • tealandtulle October 5, 2012 at 11:24 am #

      That’s the hope! We’ll see how good the condition can stay in for years to come.

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